21 October 2009

Sci-Fi/Fantasy Trivia

Alright, I am a huge nerd so I found these questions all really easy with a few exceptions, so I thought that I would post the quiz and see if you find the answers as ridiculously easy as I do. Here it is:

1. Which one of these Star Trek characters wa NOT captian of an Enterprise ship?
a. Captain Jonathan Archer
b. Captain Jean-Luc Picard
c. Captain Kathryn Janeway

2. The quote, "Danger, Will Robinson!" is from
a. Star Wars
b. Star Trek
c. Lost in Space

3. In the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, what did a man build a model of out of mashed potatoes?
a. A mountain
b. A space ship
c. A laser gun

4. What do you see at the end of the movie Planet of the Apes?
a. The remains of the Statue of Liberty
b. The remains of the Empire State Building
c. An angel

5. Which of these phrases is uttered in every Star Wars movie?
a. "I've got a bad feeling about this."
b. "You go. I'm staying right here." (C3P-0 to R2D2)
c. "The force is strong with you, young Skywalker."

6. In the ORIGINAL Star Wars movies, how many actors were used to portray Darth Vader?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3

7. The theme song for the show "Firefly" was written by
a. Joss Whedon
b. Jamie Cullum
c. Philip Glass

8. In the show Firefly, what does Jayne name his favorite gun?
a. Veronica
b. Victoria
c. Vera

9. In Lord of the Rings, what is the name of the Elvish bread that Frodo and Sam eat on their journey and is kept fresh by wrapping in a mallorn leaf?
a. Lembas or waybread
b. Murivor
c. Methril

10. What is Edward Cullen's favorite animal to hunt?
a. Grizzly bear
b. Mountain lion
c. Lamb

And the answers?
1) c. Captain Kathryn Janeway was the captain of the Voyager on the show of the same name, played by Kate Mulgrew.
2) c. Lost in Space. To be honest, I've only ever seen the movie with Gary Oldman, but I really liked it, so suck it.
3) a. A mountain. In fact, Devil's Tower, which anyone who has ever lived in Wyoming has heard of, and I've even had the pleasure of seeing. It was quite impressive. Another fun fact, Hell's Half Acre, where they filmed some of Starship Troopers, is in Wyoming too.
4) a. The remains of the Statue of Liberty. I've never seen the original film, and only vaguely remember the remake with Marky Mark, but I have seen Spaceballs, which has a parody of the ending.
5) a. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Han Solo has said it, Luke has said it, even Obi Wan has said it.
6) c. 3. I think I got this one wrong on the actual quiz, cuz I forgot about unmasked Vader (played by Sebastion Shaw) but the others are David Prowse (body) and James Earl Jones (voice). James Earl Jones also is the voice of Mufasa in The Lion King, cuz he's that bad ass.
7) a. Joss Whedon wrote the theme, and Sonny Rhodes sang it. He also wrote The Hero of Canton. Geek points if you can sing both of these.
8) c. Vera. I also named my M16 Vera at Basic Training because it's just a bad ass name for a weapon. And because I liked the name so much, I named my car Vera too. But how many of you know that Jayne's weapon in Serenity is named Lux?
9) a. Lembas. This was easy. Really.
10) b. Mountain lion, though we all wish it was lamb cuz maybe then Bella wouldn't be so damn annoying sometimes.

Well there you go. How many of you got all of them right? If you did, then I bow to your geek fu. May the force be with you.

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